Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Things I Learned in My Apartment This Week

I am procrastinating going through my outline for my final tomorrow, so instead I'll impart some wisdom on everyone tonight:

Clean the lint filter out in your dryer frequently.

In my old apartment, I was the lint filter nazi. I even taped a note on the dryer to remind my roommates to do the same. The fear of the dryer catching on fire due to one layer of lint left in the lint trap was instilled in my at an early age by my mother. She continues to remind me that I will burn in a firey hell of lint and damp laundry if I don't.

This apartment has a different washer and dryer than the ones I am used to. They're new and kinda European-esque. They stack and are digital. They're super quiet (except for the spin cycle on the washer, which makes it feel like an earthquake that would register at about a 7 on the Richter scale is happening in my apartment). But I've noticed in the past...oh...2 weeks that the dryer takes a really astoundingly long time to dry clothes. I polled my friends to see if they had any suggestions. SG suggested it was an energy saver. OOHH. Ok, I could live with that.

Until it took me 3 friggin' hours to dry a load of laundry. I stared at my dryer. STARED. What is wrong with you, dryer? I considered calling Armo who has kidnapped the washer/dryer instructions to have her read them to me aloud over the phone.

And then it dawned on me: the lint trap. WHERE THE F%$K IS THE LINT TRAP???!! it took me, I shit you not, about 10 minutes to locate. They hide those suckers sleekly, the Europeans do. When I found it, the poor thing was packed and I gazed at all the layers and retraced my laundry doing ways over the past month in the colors stacked upon each other.

Oh my mother will be disappointed....

I sheepishly put my wet load of laundry in, spun the digital dial to "normal dry" and checked it when it softly beeped at the end of the cycle. Secretly hoping that the load, like the others the past few weeks, would still be damp, I reached in and shoved my hand in.

Nope. Bone Dry. Whoops.

Lesson learned. And, I might add, this is an actual lesson, not the bullshit one that was thrust on GT this evening, it seems. The gall of some people!


armo said...

Thanks for reminding me!! I'll bring the instructions with me this weekend. :)

Glad it worked out. At least you got the washing machine AFTER they put in a new motor. Although given how much that thing shakes when it's in spin cycle, no wonder it wore itself out.

Anonymous said...

Ah, geological stratas of lint. You're like an archaeologist or something!

Anonymous said...

Life is full of big, intellectual lessons and discoveries along with minor, domestic learnings....both are equally important for your daily life and happiness!