Monday, October 22, 2007

Is There Something In the Air?

I have a lot to say and I'm not sure how to put it all down. So here's what I'm thinking about right now in bullet point style and maybe I'll pull my thoughts together to throw down a real post at some point soon:

  • The changing of seasons in DC and how it seems that this somewhat lethargic movement from Summer to Fall has proved to be remarkably evocative in its ability to force feelings to emerge that I think some of my best gals would rather like to have remain buried;
  • The way people justify their treatment of the people who they've considered friends for years. FYI everyone: allowing ostensibly a good friend to find out about your engagement 2 weeks later from the 87th person who knew about it before her is kind of a kick in the balls to that friendship;
  • Why people (aka: some very dense boys) don't seem to see what I see in my gals;
  • O Canada Girls by Dar Williams;
  • Why boys we loved deeply and still love in many ways more privately have the ability to tug at our hearts. And maybe even have the ability to make us choke back tears when hearing the words "he forgives you" muttered on the metro after a long day;
  • Why I was a blathering idiot, reminscent of first semester first year, when called on in Securities Regulation today;
  • The Long Way Around by the Dixie Chicks;
  • The knowledge that, even at our weakest, we are all fabulous girls with fabulous lives, futures, pasts and presents--regardless of what our low points try to whisper to the contrary;
  • How wonderful thanksgiving will be in NC with my sister, bro-in-law, cousin and best gal pal HB;
  • Hope springing eternal.


GirlTuesday said...

i like this concept: "the knowledge that, even at our weakest, we are all fabulous girls with fabulous lives, futures, pasts and presents--regardless of what our low points try to whisper to the contrary."

i am trying so hard not to listen to the murmurings of discontent; but it's a losing battle today. thanks for this post. it makes me feel a bit better to know i am not alone.

Purposeful Wanderer said...

I feel ya girlfriend. I have been uncerimoniously shoved off my A game and zen place by something that snuck up and I didn't ask for! As scintillating as Con Law II is, I feel much more ensconced in my own inner battle between the murmurs and me trying to shut them up!

We'll win in the end, it will just be a slow and quiet process, I think.