Saturday, December 22, 2007


My semester has ended, finally, and I've made it to the land of milk and honey (or snow and salt, whichever the case may be). And I realized I have ONE MORE EXAM to take before I graduate. Which is kinda kick ass.

It's great to be home, and I am looking forward to 10 days of relaxing--I would like to read 2 full books while I'm home (any suggestions????), frolick in the snow with Phoebe the Dog, maybe go sledding in the 2 feet of snow we have, hang out with my entire family who will be home together in the first time since before I left for Mali in 2002 (and yes, I am once again the only single person. Sweet).

I think it's going to be great. Except for having to go to the dentist while I'm home for a tooth issue. Other than that, it's definitely going to be great.

Happy holidays everyone--I hope the warmth of the season finds everyone who reads this in the same wonderful way it has found me.


nunya bidness said...

"the only single person"? Apparently I have a girlfriend I don't know about. Sweet.

Purposeful Wanderer said...

HA. I meant in my immediate family--but yes, point taken. I will NOT be the only single person for the entire holiday wehn we're all chillin' together ;)

Anonymous said...

i'm sure k'll loan me to you, but i'm really worthless when i'm on vacation... (and when i'm not, too)