Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dear Blog Friends...

Please write something on your blogs so I have something to read. It's v. lonely without scintillating stories I can procrastinate with (In my studying stupor that sounded kinda dirty. heh). But you know what I mean.

I'll be all of your best friend.



GirlTuesday said...

not sure the stories are scintillating, but found you something funny over at AoGT. ;)

armo said...

I was just thinking: "Hmm, I should probably update my blog more than once a week" but the problem is that I feel reeeeeally uncomfortable blogging from work, and honestly I'm too tired at night, and so I resort to emailing pictures to the blog from my phone. Of my cats. And there have been complaints. So, sorry about that.

I'll try to do better. Are you done with exams yet??