Friday, November 30, 2007

Things That Make Me Smile

Everyone says that the third year of law school is supposed to be a breeze: a lot of people have jobs (thankfully I do--but I'm now working part time at The Firm over the semester), you're winding down on the resume building activities (I should have remembered to do that before deciding to accept the position of managing editor of my journal), you can take the fluffy law classes since most of the bar classes would have been taken 2L year (oops..I did that the other way around. No wonder I enjoyed last year so much..). Anyway, point being, I generally have just enough time/inclination in the morning when I'm getting ready to leave the house to grab a pair of yoga pants and tennis shoes and run out of the house. I wear a shirt too, equally as whatever. To make my appearance even MORE attractive, while I was reading an article in my Self mag that J gets me a subscription to every year (and I put it to really good use: browsing through the exercises I think 'huh, those look like they would work' just before putting it down to continue reading Con Law) I came across this article on how you know if you need a new hairstyle: answer 5 questions. If you answer 3 or more "Yes", then it's time for a new haristyle. I answered all 5 of them Yes. My favorite being:

"Do you throw your hair into a bun or ponytail every morning before leaving the house even if you're not going to the grocery store/yoga class/gym?".


Anyway, as sad as it might make some folks (mom), I put very little effort into how I look on a day to day law school existence basis (but I know she loves me any way I look!). I'm ok with that. I am sure the man of my dreams will like me equally as well in yoga pants as all dolled up. I hope.

So a couple of Saturdays ago when A's wedding rolled around, H and I decided it might be fun to make ourselves pretty (and by "make" I mean pay someone to do it for us). Pedicure for the first time since August (I know! Blasphemous!): check! Haircut/blowout for the first time since....April (?): check! Pretty new dresses and shoes and accessories: check! We figured it would be a long long time until either of us got to attend another wedding at the National Cathedral, so we could justify the splurge (not that we generally need that much justification).

H looked AMAZING in a floor length gown with her hair completely straight (anyone who knows her knows just how curly her hair is. I looked, I thought, fairly passable (we're all our own greatest critics). As we were standing on the side of the road trying to hail a cab at 3:15pm dressed like this, I assumed that we probably stuck out a little bit. And then my phone rang. It was my friend Ian who had passed us and just wanted to say that he thought "we looked absolutely stunning". Aww. Ian can always be counted on for a remarkably kind word for his ladies.

The wedding came and went, it was fantastic. Today, sitting at work, hair in a bun, wearing no make up (only the best for The Firm! At least I'm not in yoga pants...) one of my favorite associates was walking by. AO is a 7th year associate, he's remarkably put together, fills rooms with his presence. He's an Immigration attorney so I've gotten to know him well this fall sitting across from most the Immigration folks in my cube. He stopped when he got to my desk and did the following:

"Ms. DLS--where do you live"
"Umm. 17th and T. Why?"
"Well, a couple of Saturdays ago I was right on 17th and U walking to a hair cut and I could have sworn I saw you--but I don't know if it was you since you didn't say anything to me"
"Well, AO, did you say anything to ME?"
" No honey, I didn't. And let me tell you why" (AO is slightly...flamboyant. Which I love). " You were standing there, and I know it's you now for sure looking at your eyes right now, but you were standing there trying to hail a cab, dressed to the nines with those EYES. I don't know what you did to them, but you should do that more often!" (Note: it's called makeup).
" Aww, thanks AO--I was headed to a wedding"
"Well, you looked incredible! So striking so striking" (this part was said as he zipped away from my desk).

The exchange was hilarious (to me) but one of those super fun, unexpected, exchanges that kinda made me smile. While I may look like sh*t 97% of time, it's nice to know I can still pull it off when it counts, or at least some people think so. ;)


GirlTuesday said...

i recently cut my hair (think posh spice meets betty rubble--not quite what i was going for . . .) for the exact reason that my bra-strap length hair spent about 45 mintues down in the morning and the rest of the day in an awkwardly arranged updo or ponytail. the change was refreshing at first. now? i miss the damn ponytail.

krosepotato said...

Ahem, I have a **correction** of my own! I do believe there was a blow-out in JULY... I guess it did result in a bun, but it had the potential to be the biggest blow-out of your young life. Those curls sure did look amazing, even the next day in the hot sweaty swampiness of RI in July. Em, you're a glamorous lady, sweats & all. xo

Purposeful Wanderer said...
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Purposeful Wanderer said...

GT-I cut my hair really short before law school, I think I was still in PC phase. loved it until I moved to the swamp that is DC in August and could not pull it back. I looked like Carrot Top. At least it's winter in your smallish state and you can wear hats--there are a lot of cute ones out there...


armo said...

That's awesome about all those compliments! I seem to remember you looked nice on Hatentine's Day back in Feb (ending at Ben's Chili Bowl, of course).

Maybe you should consider a New Year's resolution like mine for 07: be more feminine, with daily makeup-wearing and having longer hair. (For the record, my 08 New Year's resolution is to be more "womanly," which means I want to cook more and maybe learn how to sew a button. 07 was appearance-based, 08 is more skills-based.) Because I made it a project, I felt like it was ok to be girly.

Anonymous said...

With radiant, poreless skin like yours -- you don't need makeup babe! Did i mention I hate you and your dye-free mane?