Monday, August 13, 2007

Here's Looking At You, Kid....

There are things I love about DC that I would never want to change. Tonight was one of them.

Picture this: The National Mall--dusk. The Capitol to my front, the Monument to my back. Sun setting over the great city. Blankets laid out with 5000 people waiting for the movie to play. 2 girlfriends, on blankets, wine cheese and a breeze that would make you feel like you were anywhere but here. Casablanca, the movie, ahead of us.

We take a lot for granted. No one can deny that. But moments like this night are those you cannot. DC is a great place for a lot of reasons, none so grand as what is given to all of us. I sat tonight, on my Dogon wedding blanket, three girls who I adore on hand, and laughed and drank and ate cheese and bread amongst so many other people. We talked about our happenings: One who is still with the Good Senator, who is making these amazing decisions and choices and calls, who has the bravery of no one else I know; One who is with me in law school, in firm life, in that crazy place we call normal; One who works for the Presidential Candidate, while in law school, while juggling the rest of the world. And we sit, on the National Mall, watching an old movie that has never lost its grace, and I see that we are the same.

I can struggle. And I can call out. But with the girls I have, the girls we all have, we will never lose our grace. It was a great evening. Looking at J, talking to her about our good friend's fiance who is now on tap for war, and questioning what has changed between 1943 and now.

So much. So much has changed. And that's what makes things great. And it's what makes things comforting. We live our lives ensconced in those of others. And there is an added richness in that. I am thrilled and blessed with those who grace mine.

Here's looking at you, Kid. And it's a gorgeous picture I see.


GirlTuesday said...


I'm woefully behind in my blogging this summer, but CONGRATS on the job offer! it's a wonderful feeling, regardless of whether you plan to take them up on it. Are you thinking about applying for clerkships?


Purposeful Wanderer said...

Thanks chick! No clerkships, a lot to think about. Life moving as sure is time for an update, isn't it???

Anonymous said...

Good post.