Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I Feel Like I Just Gave Birth to a 31 Page Paper

I am done! Hooray. I could not be happier and turning in my final paper which has been the focus of this semester this morning was like a 2 ton weight being taken off my shoulders. And I have to say I am pretty happy with it. Let's hope my professor is as well...

I have 5 days to make the "transition" from exam mode to work mode. Lots of mixed feelings, but I feel that this summer is going to be a good one--challenging, a little scary, but a good chance to see if I can hack it in this corporate law world I am being shoved into.

I am going to continue sipping my beer in the journal office enjoying the freedom of being...DONE.


armo said...

Dude, your transition will be made much easier by the fact that your first week of work will be spent getting taken to sick-ass lunches, followed by "computer training" where they teach you how to set your signature, and then you go to happy hour at 4pm by the giddy associates who have been given corporate credit cards for the very purpose of getting you excited about the firm, aka "drunk."

You'll be fine.

GirlTuesday said...

so true! when i was working at white shoe firm as a summer, we were frequented by passels of associates who all seemed to be DYING to take us out--but one at a time--to lunch. näive summers that we were, we thought "what super nice associates work here! i want to work here!" yeah not so much. as one (drunk) associate eventually fessed up, they were each given a company credit card and were told any lunch was valid provided it included a summer.

but it was super fun!