Thursday, February 07, 2008

'Tis The Season?

I've had an interesting debate with some of my gals over the past couple of weeks about whether or not there are "seasons" for beginning and ending relationships. We came across this question recently as it was seeming to us that everyone we knew was falling out of relationships. Some more gracefully than others.

While discussing this over brunch one Sunday about 3 weeks ago, one of our friends who holds a high position at a rather (very) well known web company nodded enthusiastically when the relationship season question was posed. She insisted that her company has actually done studies on this--and have found that there is a higher number of breakups during the time between New Years and just before Valentine's Day (we'll consider this the Bermuda Triangle of relationship seasons) than any other time of the year. While we were all slightly cautious toward embracing this idea, it all did make us wonder if we were all engulfed in this tricky and unkind Bermuda Triangle.

Between that conversation and now, the path of destruction that this season has made has left few people in my close and far flung circles quite battered. It seems as though every time I run into someone, pick up the phone, shoot an IM of Google Chat to a friend there is a story on the other end that generally revolves around a (clearly blind) boy, uncharacteristic behavior from that boy, and then said boy crushing my gals to a pulp. While I was cautious a couple of weeks ago to embrace this idea, I can't say I am any longer. (And to anyone wondering: No, this has not happened to me this time around. Apparently you actually have to date in order to attempt to precariously make your way through breakup season).

Some of the damage has been far more debilitating than others. I have a couple of friends who were just moving along in a new relationship, everything calm and smooth and then BAM. They're in the Triangle. I have other friends who are a little more heartbreaking. One whose three year relationship came to a bloody end very abruptly. I think it will take her a little longer to recover from the effects of the Triangle.

While I loathe nothing more than Valentine's Day, this year I'm actually looking forward to its arrival so the fog that has engulfed all my friends can finally lift.


gusano rojo said...

that's easy~ you see, guys can't break up with their gfs during the holidays for multiple reasons...
1) everyone thinks you're a complete d*ckhole if you do
2) you alienate yourself from any mutual friends, destined to spend your holidays alone
3) you get no gifts and you probably already bought her present

but, to guys, valentine's day is some weird 'holiday' that hallmark made up, so if you dump her in that 6 weeks before feb 14th you just end up saving yourself a boatload of cash. dinner, roses, chocolates, stuffed animals, ect...

a few closing remarks: don't worry about K, we're doing fine :-) , those girls are probably better off now, those dudes were no good and feburary 14th should be an opportunity to go out with all of your girlfriends!

p.s. romance shouldn't be a scheduled thing.

armo said...

The best Valentine's Days usually end with a stop at Ben's Chili Bowl. After a bottle of champagne, of course.

No bad news from me here, but thanks for making me paranoid! :)

Purposeful Wanderer said...

HA! good to hear from both you that your relationships are in the clear!

Armo: I've already lined up my Hatentine's date for this year. Round two, in the apt. But I think it might be too warm for a fire in the fireplace. Never to warm for Champagne, however!