Saturday, January 02, 2010


Happy New Year, everyone.

As suspected, not much has changed. But some things have been reaffirmed. In this new year, I've been reminded of a few important things. One is that jobs come and go, security can fade, but friends never seem to walk away.

New years eve was originally going to be spent with my kitties in my apartment with a six-dollar bottle of champagne, Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper. At the last minute, plans changed, and tickets were purchased for a party at the faux speakeasy The Gibson in D.C. with three other friends. We dressed all sparkly and fun to not necessarily ring in the new year, but to usher the old out with good drinks, good company, and no fuzzy animals to make me feel more depressed than ever.

It was a great time. Lots of laughter, lots of good cocktails, much revelry, and most importantly, great great friends. It was a great way to ring in a new year.

You know, I realized something recently. Most notably after the death of my friend. Each of us are individually blessed to have people. Our people. My people. Some may have many, others few, but we have people. I have a wide group of people. I have my D.C. people, my V.T people, my family people, my U.V.A. people, my Peace Corps people, my Leahy people. I have people who are collectively weaving a safety net for me, who won't guarantee it will hold, but who will do everything in their power to try and make it. I have people who are willing to wait on me, and believe in what I do. My people don't discourage my dreams. They cheer loudly, they push me, they link arms and support me.

I have this buoy of love that allows me to become a similar buoy for strangers. It is the greatest gift I could imagine. I know I talk a lot about friends on this site, but when you're in the trenches you realize who fortunate you are. And I am rich with friends.

And I love them all. Happy New Years, all.